Laser Txiav Acrylic (PMMA)
Kev tshaj lij thiab tsim nyog laser txiav rau acrylic

Nrog rau kev txhim kho thev naus laus zis thiab kev txhim kho ntawm laser fais fab, CO2 laser thev naus laus zis tau tsim ntau dua hauv phau ntawv thiab muaj acrylic machining. Tsis hais nws cam khwb (GS) lossis extruded (xt) acrylic iav,Lub laser yog qhov zoo tagnrho cov cuab yeej los txiav thiab engrave acrylic nrog cuam tshuam zoo nqi piv nrog cov khoom siv cov cav tov.Muaj peev xwm ua ntau yam khoom siv tob tob,Mimowork Laser CuttersNrog Me Nyuamkev teeb tsaTsim thiab tsim nyog lub hwj chim tuaj yeem ua tau los tau ua tiav kev ua haujlwm sib txawv, ua rau cov acrylic acrylic ua haujlwm nrogCrystal-ntshiab, du txiav sawvHauv kev ua haujlwm ntawm singles, tsis xav tau rau cov nplaim hluav taws xob ntxiv.
Tsis tsuas yog laser txiav, tab sis laser engraving tuaj yeem txhawb nqa koj tus qauv thiab paub txog kev customization dawb nrog cov qauv muag heev.Laser cutter thiab laser engraverMuaj peev xwm tig koj lub qhov tsis muaj txiaj ntsig thiab cov qauv siv pixel tau rau hauv cov khoom siv acrylic uas tsis muaj kev txwv.
Laser Txiav Luam Ntawv Acrylic
Awesomely,Luam Ntawv AcrylicKuj tseem tuaj yeem txiav txiav kom raug nrog cov qauvQhov Kev Ntsuam Xyuas Qhov Kho Qhov muag. Cov Thawj Coj Advertisis, Txhua Hnub Decorations, thiab txawm tias tseem nco txiaj ntsig ua los ntawm cov yees duab luam tawm acrylic, Txhawb los ntawm luam ntawv thiab Laser cov kev txiav, yooj yim kom ua tiav nrog ob qho kev kub ceev thiab kev hloov kho. Koj tuaj yeem laser txiav luam tawm acrylic raws li koj customized tsim, uas yooj yim thiab siab efficiency.

Kev Ntaus Pob Ntsig rau Acrylic laser txiav & laser engraving
Pom ntau cov yeeb yaj duab txog laser txiav & engraving rau acrylic ntawmVideo gallery
Laser Txiav & Engraving Acrylic Cim npe
Peb siv:
• Acrylic laser engraver 130
• 4 hli acrylic ntawv
Ua kom:
• Khoom plig Christmas - Acrylic cim npe
Ua tib zoo mloog
1. Daim ntawv acrylic tau ua tiav cov nyhuv zoo dua.
2. Cov npoo ntawm koj tus qauv yuav tsum tsis txhob nqaim.
3. Xaiv lub Laser cutter nrog lub zog zoo rau nplaim-polished sawv.
4. Lub tshuab tawg yuav tsum yog qhov me me li sai tau kom tsis txhob muaj kev kub tawv uas tuaj yeem ua rau muaj qhov hlawv ntug.
Ib lo lus nug rau laser txiav & laser engraving rau acrylic?
Qhia rau peb paub thiab muab cov lus qhia ntxiv thiab cov kev daws teeb meem rau koj!
Pom zoo Acrylic Laser Tej Tshuab
Me Acrylic Laser Tej Tshuab
(Acrylic Laser Engraving Tshuab)
Mas rau txiav & engraving. Koj tuaj yeem xaiv cov platform ua haujlwm sib txawv rau cov khoom sib txawv. Tus qauv no yog tsim tshwj xeeb rau cov cim ...
Hom Khoom Loj Acrylic Laser Cutter
Tus Qauv Nkag-Qib Pib Zoo Tshaj Plaws rau Cov Khoom Loj Cov Ntaub Ntawv, lub tshuab no tsim nrog rau tag nrho plaub sab, pub tsis muaj kev txwv tsis txwv thiab chaw thau khoom ...
Galvo Acrylic Laser Engraver
Kev xaiv zoo tagnrho ntawm kev kos cim lossis hnia-txiav ntawm cov hlau tsis-hlau ua haujlwm. Lub taub hau Galvo tuaj yeem hloov kho ntsug raws li qhov loj me ntawm koj cov khoom ...
Ua laser rau acrylic

1. Laser txiav rau Acrylic
Tsim nyog thiab txoj cai Laser Fais lees lav tiv thaiv cua sov lub zog tiv thaiv melformly yaj cov ntaub ntawv acrylic. Txhim kho txiav thiab cov tsiaj Laser Laser tsim cov kab mob acrylic artwork nrog nplaim-polished ntug.

2. Laser engraving rau acrylic
Pub dawb thiab saj zawg zog los ntawm cov qauv nraaj digital tsim qauv rau cov qauv engraving rau acrylic. Intricate thiab hloov maj mam qauv tuaj yeem ua laser engraved nrog cov ntsiab lus nplua nuj, uas tsis paug thiab ua rau acrylic nto tib lub sijhawm.
Cov txiaj ntsig los ntawm Laser Txiav Acryry Secests

Polished & crystal ntug

Hloov cov duab txiav

Intricate cov engraving
✔ Cov ✔ Yog Tus Qauv TxiavnrogQhov Kev Ntsuam Xyuas Qhov Kho Qhov muag
✔ Cov ✔ Tsis muaj kev paugTxhawb nqa los ntawmFume Extractor
✔ Cov ✔Yoog ua rautej duab lossis qauv
✔ Cov ✔ Zoo kawg nkauspolished huv si txiav cov npooHauv kev ua haujlwm ib zaug
✔ Cov ✔ No xav tau clamp lossis kho cov acrylic vimtsis muaj kev ua
✔ Cov ✔ Txhim Kho Kev Ua Tau Zoolos ntawm kev pub mis, txiav kom tau txais nrog Shuttle Ua Haujlwm Rooj
Cov Kev Siv Raug Rau Cov Qas Laser Laser Thiab Engraving Acrylic
• Cov Tshaj Tawm Tshaj Tawm
• Kev Tsim Kho Qauv
• Tuam Txhab Tooj
• Cov trophies tsis huv
• Luam Ntawv Acrylic
• Rooj tog zaum niaj hnub
• Cov ntawv sab nraum zoov billboards
• Khoom muag
• Cov paib uas muag khoom
• Tshem tawm tshem tawm
• bracket
• shopfitting
• Cov tshuaj pleev ib ce sawv ntsug

Cov ntaub ntawv cov ntaub ntawv ntawm laser txiav acrylic

Raws li lub teeb pom kev zoo, acrylic tau sau txhua qhov ntawm peb lub neej thiab tau siv dav hauv kev lag luamNtawv Sau Khoomteb thiabKev Tshaj Tawm & Khoom Pligfileds vim nws cov kev ua tau zoo tshaj. Excellent optical transparency, high hardness, weather resistance, printability, and other characteristics make the production of acrylic increase year by year. Peb tuaj yeem pom qee yamCov thawv muag, cim, cov nkhaus, cov khoom siv thiab cov khoom siv tiv thaiv tau ua los ntawm acrylicCov. Tsis tas li ntawd,UV Luam Ntawv AcrylicNrog cov xim nplua nuj thiab cov qauv yog maj mam universal thiab ntxiv kom yooj yim ntxiv thiab customization.Nws yog ntse heev rau xaiv covlaser tshuabTxhawm rau txiav thiab kos acrylic raws li cov versatility ntawm acrylic thiab qhov zoo ntawm kev ua laser.
Cov hom Acrylic Acrylic hauv kev ua lag luam:
Plexiglas®, AltebLas®, Cryrylas®, Cryluxtm, Cranlon®, Oroglas®, Plazolite®, Plazit®, Queyn®