MOLLE jira rinokosheswa nekuda kwemodularity uye kuchinjika. The webbing loops allow for the attachment of different MOLLE-compatible accessories, such as pouches, holsters, magazine holders, and utility pockets. These accessories typically feature straps or tabs that can be threaded through the webbing loops and secured with snap fasteners or hook-and-loop closures.
Laser cutting creates clean, sealed edges on the fabric as it cuts. The intense heat of the laser beam melts and fuses the fabric fibers, preventing fraying and eliminating the need for additional finishing processes. Izvi zvinovimbisa kuti jira reMOLLE rinochengeta simba raro uye kusimba.
1. Laser yekucheka michina inogona kubata marudzi akasiyana-siyana emucheka, kusanganisira nylon uye polyester, iyo inowanzoshandiswa kumucheka weMOLLE. Iko kuita kwakasiyana-siyana kwekucheka kwelaser kunobvumira kucheka chaiko kwemhando dzakasiyana, saizi, uye mapatani pajira.
Laser yekucheka inzira inokurumidza uye inoshanda, inogonesa kugadzirwa kwepamusoro uye nekukurumidza kutendeuka nguva. It can cut through multiple layers of MOLLE fabric simultaneously, reducing production time and increasing efficiency compared to manual cutting methods.
Laser yekucheka inobvumira kugadzirisa uye kugadzirisa munhu kweMOLLE jira. Iwo chaiwo hunhu hwelaser yekucheka tekinoroji inoita kuti ive yakakodzera kugadzira zvakaomesesa dhizaini, mapatani, uye cutouts pajira. Uku kugona kwekugadzirisa kwakakosha pakugadzira yakasarudzika MOLLE setups uye magiya masisitimu.