Laser Cutting ea Acrylic: A Comprehensive Guide

Laser Cutting ea Acrylic: A Comprehensive Guide

Laser cutting acrylic e fana ka mokhoa o bolokehileng, o sebetsang hantle le o nepahetseng oa ho theha mefuta e mengata ea lihlahisoa le meralo.Tataiso ena e kenella ka botebo melao-motheong, melemo, liphephetso le mekhoa e sebetsang ea laser cutting acrylic, e sebetsang e le sesebelisoa sa bohlokoa bakeng sa ba qalang le litsebi ka ho tšoanang.

1. Selelekela ho Laser Cutting Of Acrylic

Ke eng e sehang acrylic
ka laser?

Ho khaola acrylic ka lasere kenyelletsa ho sebelisa lebone la laser le matla a phahameng, le tataisoang ke faele ea CAD, ho seha kapa ho ngola meralo e itseng holim'a thepa ea acrylic.

Ho fapana le mekhoa ea setso e kang ho cheka kapa ho sakha, mokhoa ona o itšetlehile ka theknoloji e nepahetseng ea laser ho etsa mouoane oa thepa ka mokhoa o hloekileng le ka katleho, ho fokotsa litšila le ho fana ka liphello tse phahameng.

Mokhoa ona o loketse haholo liindasteri tse hlokang ho nepahala ho holimo, lintlha tse rarahaneng le tlhahiso e tsitsitseng, ho e etsa khetho e ratoang ho feta mekhoa e tloaelehileng ea ho itšeha.

▶ Hobaneng u khaola acrylic ka laser?

Theknoloji ea laser e fana ka melemo e ke keng ea bapisoa bakeng sa ho itšeha ka acrylic:

Smooth Edges:E hlahisa likarolo tse betliloeng ka mollo holim'a acrylic e extruded, e fokotsa litlhoko tsa morao-rao.
Likhetho tsa ho Engraving:E theha metako e mesoeu ea serame holim'a acrylic e entsoeng ka mokhabiso bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse khabisitsoeng le tse sebetsang.
Ho nepahala le ho Pheta-pheta:E netefatsa liphetho tse tšoanang bakeng sa meralo e rarahaneng.
Mefuta-futa:E loketse bakeng sa merero e menyenyane e tloaelehileng le tlhahiso ea bongata.

LED Acrylic Stand White

LED Acrylic Stand White

▶ Lisebelisoa tsa Mochini oa Acrylic Laser Cutting

Laser-cut acrylic e na le mefuta e mengata ea lisebelisoa ho pholletsa le likarolo tse ngata:

 Papatso:Matshwao a kgethilweng, matshwao a kganyang, le dipontsho tsa papatso.

✔ Architecture:Mehlala ea kaho, liphanele tse khabisitsoeng, le li-partitions tse bonaletsang.

✔ Likoloi:Likarolo tsa dashboard, likoahelo tsa mabone, le lifensetere tsa moea.

 Lintho tsa Lapeng:Bahlophisi ba kichine, li-coaster le libaka tsa metsing.

✔ Likhau le Kamohelo:Li-trophies le li-plaque tse nang le litšoantšo tsa motho ka mong.

 Mabenyane:Masale, li-pendants le li-brooch tsa boleng bo holimo.

 Sephutheloana:Mabokose le lijana tse tšoarellang le tse khahlehang.

>> Sheba livideo mabapi le ho seha acrylic ka laser

Mokhoa oa ho khaola mekhabiso ea acrylic ea laser (snowflake) | Mochine oa laser oa CO2
Mokhoa oa ho seha thepa e hatisitsoeng ka bo eona | Acrylic & Wood

Ho na le maikutlo a mang mabapi le ho itšeha ka laser ea acrylic?

▶ CO2 VS Fiber Laser: Ke Efe E Lokelang ho Seha Acrylic

Bakeng sa ho kuta acrylic,CO2 Laser ke khetho e ntle ka ho fetisisaka lebaka la thepa ea eona ea tlhaho.

laser ea fiber vs co2 laser

Joalokaha u bona ka har'a tafole, li-lasers tsa CO2 hangata li hlahisa lebone le tsepamisitsoeng ka bolelele ba li-micrometer tse ka bang 10.6, tse monngoang habonolo ke acrylic. Leha ho le joalo, li-laser tsa fiber li sebetsa ka bolelele ba maqhubu a ka bang 1 micrometer, tse sa monngoeng ka botlalo ke lehong ha li bapisoa le lilase tsa CO2. Kahoo haeba u batla ho khaola kapa ho tšoaea tšepe, laser fiber e ntle haholo. Empa bakeng sa tsena tse se nang tšepe tse kang lehong, acrylic, textile, CO2 laser cutting effect e ke ke ea bapisoa.

2. Melemo le Go tlhoka mesola ea Laser Cutting Of Acrylic

▶ Melemo

✔ Boreleli ba ho Seha:

Matla a matla a laser a ka khaola hang-hang letlapeng la acrylic ka tsela e otlolohileng. Mocheso o koala le ho bentša lehlakore hore le be boreleli le ho hloeka.

✔ Ho Seha Batho bao ba sa Kopanelang:

Laser cutter e na le ts'ebetso e se nang mabitso, e tlosa ho tšoenyeha ka likhoele le ho phatloha hobane ha ho na khatello ea maikutlo. Ha ho hlokahale ho fetola lisebelisoa le likotoana.

✔ Phapang e Phahameng:

Ho nepahala ho phahameng haholo ho etsa hore mochini oa acrylic laser cutter e be lipaterone tse rarahaneng ho latela faele e hlophisitsoeng. E loketse mekhabiso e metle ea acrylic le lisebelisoa tsa indasteri le tsa bongaka.

✔ Lebelo le Matla:

Matla a matla a laser, ha ho khatello ea mochini, le taolo ea auto-digital, e eketsa haholo lebelo la ho itšeha le katleho eohle ea tlhahiso.

✔ Ho feto-fetoha ha maemo:

CO2 laser cutting e sebetsa ka mokhoa o fapaneng ho khaola maqephe a acrylic a mefuta e fapaneng. E loketse lisebelisoa tsa acrylic tse tšesaane le tse teteaneng, tse fanang ka maemo a feto-fetohang lits'ebetsong tsa morero.

✔ Nyeoe e Nyenyane:

Lebala le tsepamisitsoeng la laser ea CO2 le fokotsa litšila ka ho theha bophara bo moqotetsane ba kerf. Haeba o sebetsa ka tlhahiso ea bongata, software e bohlale ea laser nesting e ka ntlafatsa tsela ea ho itšeha, 'me ea eketsa sekhahla sa tšebeliso ea thepa.

laser ho itšeha acrylic ka bohale bentšitsoeng

Crystal e Hlakileng Edge

laser cutting acrylic e nang le mekhoa e rarahaneng

Mokhoa o rarahaneng oa Seha

▶ Mathata

mohlala oa acrylic intricate

Litšoantšo tse betliloeng ka Acrylic

Le ha melemo ea ho seha acrylic ka laser e le ngata, ho bohlokoa ka ho tšoanang ho nahana ka litšitiso:

Litefiso tse Fetohang tsa Tlhahiso:

Sekhahla sa tlhahiso ha u seha acrylic ka laser ka linako tse ling e ka ba se sa lumellaneng. Lintlha tse kang mofuta oa thepa ea acrylic, botenya ba eona, le likarolo tse khethehileng tsa ho itšeha ka laser li bapala karolo ea ho khetholla lebelo le ho tšoana ha tlhahiso. Liphetoho tsena li ka ama ts'ebetso e akaretsang ea ts'ebetso, haholo ts'ebetsong e kholo.

3. Mokhoa oa ho khaola acrylic ka laser cutter

Laser cutting acrylic ke mokhoa o nepahetseng le o sebetsang oa ho theha meralo e qaqileng, empa ho fumana liphetho tse nepahetseng ho hloka ho utloisisa lisebelisoa le ts'ebetso. Ho ipapisitse le sistimi ea CNC le likarolo tse nepahetseng tsa mochini, mochini oa ho itšeha oa acrylic laser o ikemela ebile o bonolo ho o sebetsa.

U hloka feela ho kenya faele ea moralo khomphuteng, 'me u behe li-parameter ho latela likarolo tsa thepa le litlhoko tsa ho itšeha.

Mona ke tataiso ea mohato ka mohato e kenyelletsang lintlha tsa bohlokoa tsa ho sebetsa ka li-acrylics.

Mohato oa 1. Lokisetsa Mochini le Acrylic

kamoo ho ka laser seha acrylic joang ho lokisetsa lintho tse bonahalang

Tokiso ea Acrylic:boloka acrylic e bataletse 'me e hloekile holim'a tafole ea ho sebetsa,' me ho molemo ho hlahloba ho sebelisa sekhechana pele ho seha ha laser ea sebele.

Mochini oa Laser:fumana boholo ba acrylic, boholo ba mohlala oa ho itšeha, le botenya ba acrylic, ho khetha mochine o loketseng.

Mohato 2. Beha Software

mokhoa oa ho beha laser ho itšeha acrylic

Faele ea Moralo:kenya faele ea ho itšeha ho software.

Tlhophiso ea Laser:Bua le setsebi sa rona sa laser ho fumana lintlha tse akaretsang tsa ho itšeha. Empa lisebelisoa tse fapaneng li na le botenya, bohloeki le bongata bo fapaneng, ka hona, ho etsa liteko pele ke khetho e ntle ka ho fetisisa.

Mohato oa 3. Laser Cut Acrylic

mokhoa oa ho khaola acrylic ka laser

Qala ho khaola Laser:Laser e tla khaola paterone ka bo eona ho latela tsela e fanoeng. Hopola ho bula moea ho tlosa mosi, le ho theola moea o fokang ho netefatsa hore moeli o boreleli.

Ka ho latela mehato ena ka hloko, o ka fihlela liphetho tse nepahetseng, tsa boleng bo holimo ha o seha acrylic ka laser.

Tokisetso e nepahetseng, ho seta, le mehato ea polokeho ke ea bohlokoa bakeng sa katleho, e u nolofalletsang ho sebelisa melemo ea theknoloji ena e tsoetseng pele ea ho itšeha.

Thupelo ea Video: Ho Seha Laser & Engraving Acrylic

Seha & Engrave Acrylic Tutorial | Mochini oa laser oa CO2

4. Lintho Tse SusumetsangHo khaola Acrylic ka Laser

Laser cutting acrylic e hloka ho nepahala le kutloisiso ea lintlha tse 'maloa tse amang boleng le katleho ea ts'ebetso.Ka tlase, re hlahlobalintlha tsa bohlokoa tse lokelang ho nahanoa ha u seha acrylic.

▶ Litlhophiso tsa Mochini oa ho Seha Laser

Ka nepo configuring di-setting tsa hao laser ho itšeha mochine ke ea bohlokoa ho finyella optimal results.Machines tla le likarolo tse sa tšoaneng fetolehang hore.ama mokhoa oa ho itšeha, ho kenyeletsa:

1. Matla

• Molao o akaretsang ke ho aba10 watts (W)matla a laser bakeng sa e mong le e mong1 limilimitharaea botenya ba acrylic.

• Matla a phahameng a tlhōrō a nolofalletsa ho khaola ka potlako lisebelisoa tse tšesaane 'me a fana ka boleng bo botle ba sehiloeng bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse teteaneng.

2. Khafetsa

E ama palo ea likhahla tsa laser ka motsotsoana, e amang ho nepahala ha sehiloeng.

• Cast Acrylic:Sebelisa maqhubu a phahameng(20–25 kHz)bakeng sa mathōko a bentšitsoeng ke malakabe.

• Acrylic e Atolositsoeng:Maqhubu a tlase(2–5 kHz)sebetsa hantle bakeng sa maqeba a hloekileng.

Laser Cut 20mm Thick Acrylic | Mochini oa Laser oa 450W | Mokhoa oa ho e etsa


Lebelo le loketseng le fapana ho ipapisitse le matla a laser le botenya ba lintho tse bonahalang.Mabelo a potlakileng a fokotsa nako ea ho itšeha empa a ka senya ho nepahala ha thepa e teteaneng.

Litafole tse hlalosang lebelo le phahameng ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa maemo a fapaneng a matla le botenya li ka sebetsa e le litšupiso tse molemo.

Letlapa la 1: CO₂ Laser Cutting Settings Chate bakeng sa lebelo le phahameng

CO2-laser-seha-setting-chate-bakeng sa-boholo-bo-lebelo

Mokitlane oa Lethathamo:

Letlapa la 2: Chate ea CO₂ Laser Cutting Settings bakeng sa Lebelo le Leholo

CO₂ Laser Cutting Settings Chate bakeng sa lebelo le nepahetseng

Mokitlane oa Lethathamo:

Botenya ba Acrylic

Botenya ba letlapa la acrylic bo ama ka ho toba matla a hlokahalang a laser.Lishiti tse teteaneng li hloka matla a eketsehileng ho fihlela sekoahelo se hloekileng.

• E le tataiso e akaretsang, hoo e ka bang10 watts (W)matla a laser a hlokahala bakeng sa e mong le e mong1 limilimitharaea botenya ba acrylic.

• Bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse tšesaane, u ka sebelisa litlhophiso tse tlase tsa matla le lebelo le liehang ho etsa bonnete ba ho kenya letsoho ho lekaneng bakeng sa ho seha.

• Haeba matla a le tlase haholo mme a ke ke a lefelloa ka ho fokotsa lebelo, boleng ba ho khaola bo ka 'na ba haelloa ke litlhoko tsa kopo.

Ho ntlafatsa litlhophiso tsa motlakase ho latela botenya ba thepa ho bohlokoa bakeng sa ho fumana likhahla tse boreleli, tsa boleng bo holimo.

Ka ho nahana ka lintlha tsena—litlhophiso tsa mochini, lebelo, matla, le botenya ba thepa- o ka ntlafatsa ts'ebetso le ho nepahala ha acrylic laser cutting. Karolo ka 'ngoe e bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho netefatsa katleho ea projeke ea hau.

Litlhoko tsa hau tsa Acrylic Processing ke life?
Buisana le Rona bakeng sa Keletso e Felletseng le ea Setsebi ea Laser!

Letoto la Laser la MimoWork

▶ Mefuta e tummeng ea Acrylic Laser Cutter

Printed Acrylic Laser Cutter: Pōpo e Mahlahahlaha, E khantšitsoe

Ho fihlela litlhoko tsa ho seha li-acrylic tse hatisitsoeng tsa UV, acrylic e entsoeng ka mokhoa o hlophisitsoeng, MimoWork e thehile sehahi sa acrylic laser se hloahloa.E na le k'hamera ea CCD, mochine oa laser oa khamera o khona ho lemoha ka nepo boemo ba mohlala mme o tsamaise hlooho ea laser hore e sehe haufi le contour e hatisitsoeng. CCD camera laser cutter ke thuso e ntle bakeng sa laser cut printed acrylic, haholo-holo ka ts'ehetso ea tafole ea ho itšeha ea khekhe ea linotsi, moralo oa mochini o fetang. Ho tloha ho Li-Platform tsa Sebetsa tse Customizable ho ea ho boqapi bo Khethehileng, Sehahi sa Rona sa Laser Cutting-Edge se Feta Meeli. Haholo-holo E Entsoe bakeng sa Lipontšo, mekhabiso, mesebetsi ea matsoho le limpho Indasteri, Sebelisa Matla a Khamera e Tsoetseng Pele ea CCD Theknoloji ho Seha ka ho Phethahetseng Paterone e Hatisitsoeng ea Acrylic. Ka Ball Screw Transmission le High-Precision Servo Motor Options, Ikakhele ka setotsoana ho Nepahetseng e ke keng ea Bapisa le Phethahatso e se Nang Sekoli. Etsa Hore Menahano ea Hao e Fumaneha ho ea Bophahameng bo Bocha ha U ntse U Nchafatsa Bokhabane ba Bokhabane ka Bohlale bo ke keng ba Bapisoa.

Acrylic Sheet Laser Cutter, molemo ka ho fetisisaindasteri ea CNC laser ho itšeha mochini

E loketse bakeng sa ho itšeha ka laser ka boholo bo boholo le maqephe a teteaneng a acrylic ho kopana le lipapatso tse fapaneng le lits'ebetso tsa indasteri.Tafole ea ho itšeha ea laser ea 1300mm * 2500mm e entsoe ka phihlello ea litsela tse nne. E hlahisoa ka lebelo le phahameng, mochini oa rona oa acrylic sheet laser cutting o ka fihla lebelo la ho itšeha la 36,000mm ka motsotso. 'Me "ball screw le servo motor transmission system" e netefatsa botsitso le ho nepahala bakeng sa ho tsamaea ka lebelo le phahameng la gantry, e leng se thusang ho seha lisebelisoa tse kholo tsa laser ha ho ntse ho netefatsa katleho le boleng. laser cutting acrylic sheets e sebelisoa haholo indastering ea mabone le khoebo, lebaleng la kaho, indasteri ea lik'hemik'hale, le masimo a mang, letsatsi le leng le le leng re atile haholo mokhabisong oa papatso, mehlala ea tafole ea lehlabathe, le mabokose a bonts'itsoeng, joalo ka matšoao, liboto, phanele ea lebokose le bobebe. , le sehlopha sa litlhaku tsa Senyesemane.

(Plexiglass/PMMA) AcrylicLaser Cutter, molemo ka ho fetisisa oa hauindasteri ea CNC laser ho itšeha mochini

E loketse bakeng sa ho itšeha ka laser ka boholo bo boholo le maqephe a teteaneng a acrylic ho kopana le lipapatso tse fapaneng le lits'ebetso tsa indasteri.Tafole ea ho itšeha ea laser ea 1300mm * 2500mm e entsoe ka phihlello ea litsela tse nne. E hlahisoa ka lebelo le phahameng, mochini oa rona oa acrylic laser cutter o ka fihla lebelo la ho itšeha la 36,000mm ka motsotso. 'Me "ball screw le servo motor transmission system" e netefatsa botsitso le ho nepahala bakeng sa ho tsamaea ka lebelo le phahameng la gantry, e leng se thusang ho seha lisebelisoa tse kholo tsa laser ha ho ntse ho netefatsa katleho le boleng. Eseng seo feela, acrylic e teteaneng e ka khaoloa ke leqhubu la laser la matla a phahameng a boikhethelo a 300W le 500W. Mochini oa ho itšeha oa CO2 laser o ka khaola lisebelisoa tse teteaneng le tse kholo tse tiileng, joalo ka acrylic le lehong.

Fumana Keletso e eketsehileng mabapi le Theko ea Mochini oa Acrylic Laser Cutting Machine

6. Litlhahiso tse akaretsang tsa ho seha acrylic ka laser

Ha o sebetsa le acrylic,ho bohlokoa ho latela litataiso tsena ho netefatsa polokeho le ho fumana litholoana tse ntle ka ho fetisisa:

1. Le ka mohla u se ke ua Tlohela Mochini o sa Lebelloa

• Acrylic e chesa haholo ha e pepesehetse ho itšeha ka laser, ho etsa hore tlhokomelo e sa khaotseng e be ea bohlokoa.

• Joalo ka mokhoa o akaretsang oa ts'ireletso, le ka mohla u se ke ua sebelisa laser cutter - ho sa tsotelehe thepa - ntle le ho ba teng.

2. Khetha Mofuta o nepahetseng oa Acrylic

• Khetha mofuta o nepahetseng oa acrylic bakeng sa kopo ea hau e khethehileng:

o Cast Acrylic: E loketse ho ngoloa ka lebaka la pheletso ea eona e tšoeu e batang.

o Extruded Acrylic: E loketse hantle bakeng sa ho seha, e hlahisa likarolo tse boreleli, tse bentšitsoeng ka lelakabe.

3. Phahamisa Acrylic

• Sebelisa litšehetso kapa li-spacers ho phahamisa acrylic tafoleng ea ho itšeha.

• Ho phahama ho thusa ho felisa litšoantšo tse ka morao, tse ka bakang matšoao a sa batleheng kapa ho senya thepa.


Letlapa la Acrylic Laser Cutting

7. Laser Cutting ea Acrylic FAQs

▶ Laser Cutting Acrylic e sebetsa Joang?

Ho itšeha ka laser ho kenyelletsa ho tsepamisa lebone le matla la laser holim'a acrylic, e etsang mouoane lintho tse bonahalang tse haufi le tsela e khethiloeng ea ho itšeha.

Ts'ebetso ena e bopa letlapa la acrylic ka mokhoa o lakatsehang. Ntle le moo, laser e tšoanang e ka sebelisoa bakeng sa ho betla ka ho fetola litlhophiso ho etsa mouoane feela o mosesaane ho tloha bokaholimo ba acrylic, ho theha meralo e hlakileng ea bokaholimo.

▶ Ke Mofuta Ofe oa Laser Cutter o ka Sehang Acrylic?

Li-cutters tsa laser tsa CO2 ke tsona tse sebetsang ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa ho seha li-acrylic.

Tsena li ntša mahlaseli a laser sebakeng sa infrared, ao acrylic a ka a monyang, ho sa tsotelehe 'mala.

Li-lasers tsa CO2 tsa matla a phahameng li ka khaola acrylic ka pase e le 'ngoe, ho latela botenya.

▶ Hobaneng U Khetha Sekhabiso sa Laser bakeng sa Acrylic
Ho E-na le Mekhoa e Tloaelehileng?

Lisebelisoa tsa ho itšeha ka laserlintlha tse nepahetseng, tse boreleli, le tse sa khaotseng tse sehang ntle le ho kopana le thepa, ho fokotsa ho robeha.

E tenyetseha haholo, e fokotsa litšila, 'me ha e bake ho roala ha lisebelisoa.

Ho feta moo, laser cutting e ka kenyelletsa ho ngola le ho fana ka lintlha tse ntle, tse fanang ka boleng bo holimo ha bo bapisoa le mekhoa e tloaelehileng.

▶ A na nka itšeha ka Laser ea Acrylic?

E, u ka khonalaser cut acrylic ha feela o na le lisebelisoa tse nepahetseng, lisebelisoa le boiphihlelo.

Leha ho le joalo, bakeng sa liphetho tsa boleng ba profeshenale, hangata ho khothaletsoa ho hira litsebi tse tšoanelehang kapa lik'hamphani tse ikhethileng.

Likhoebo tsena li na le lisebelisoa tse hlokahalang le basebetsi ba nang le boiphihlelo ho netefatsa liphetho tsa maemo a holimo.

▶ Ke Bongata bo Bokaakang ba Acrylic Eo
Na ho ka Khaotsoa ka Laser?

Boholo ba acrylic e ka sehoang bo itšetlehile ka boholo ba bethe ea laser cutter.

Mechini e meng e na le libethe tse nyane, ha tse ling li ka amohela likotoana tse kholo, ho fihlela1200mm x 2400mmkapa ho feta moo.

▶ Na Acrylic e Chesa Nakong ea ho Seha Laser?

Hore na acrylic e chesa nakong ea ho itšeha ho itšetlehile ka matla a laser le litlhophiso tsa lebelo.

Ka tloaelo, ho chesoa hanyenyane ho etsahala mathōkong, empa ka ho ntlafatsa litlhophiso tsa matla, u ka fokotsa ho chesoa hona le ho etsa bonnete ba ho khaola ho hloekileng.

▶ Na Akriliki Tsohle li Loketse ho Seha ka Laser?

Mefuta e mengata ea acrylic e loketse ho itšeha ka laser, empa mefuta e fapaneng ea 'mala le mofuta oa thepa e ka ama ts'ebetso.

Ho bohlokoa ho lekola acrylic eo u ikemiselitseng ho e sebelisa ho netefatsa hore e lumellana le laser cutter ea hau mme e hlahisa liphetho tse lakatsehang.

Qala Setsebi sa Laser Hona Joale!

> Ke lintlha life tseo u lokelang ho fana ka tsona?

Lintho tse khethehileng (tse kang plywood, MDF)

Boholo ba Lintho le Botenya

Seo u batlang ho se etsa ka laser? (seha, phunya, kapa u ngole)

Maximum Format e tla sebetswa

> Lintlha tsa rona tsa ho ikopanya

+86 173 0175 0898

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Tsamaea ka ho teba ▷

E ka 'na eaba u thahasella

# sekotla sa acrylic laser se bitsa bokae?

Ho na le lintlha tse ngata tse khethollang litšenyehelo tsa mochini oa laser, joalo ka ho khetha mofuta oa mochini oa laser, boholo ba mochini oa laser, tube ea laser, le likhetho tse ling. Mabapi le lintlha tsa phapang, sheba leqephe lena:Mochini oa laser o bitsa bokae?

# mokhoa oa ho khetha tafole e sebetsang bakeng sa laser cutting acrylic?

Ho na le litafole tse ling tse sebetsang joalo ka tafole ea khekhe ea linotsi, tafole ea ho itšeha ka thipa, tafole ea ho sebetsa ea phini, le litafole tse ling tse sebetsang tseo re ka li etsang. Khetha hore na ke efe e itšetlehileng ka boholo ba acrylic ea hau le botenya le matla a mochine oa laser. E qaqileng hore botse >>

# mokhoa oa ho fumana bolelele bo nepahetseng ba acrylic ea laser?

The focus lens co2 laser e tsepamisa lebone la laser sebakeng seo ho shebiloeng ho sona e leng sebaka se tšesaane ka ho fetesisa 'me se na le matla a matla. Ho fetola bolelele ba tsepamiso ho bophahamo bo loketseng ho na le tšusumetso e kholo ho boleng le ho nepahala ha laser ho itšeha kapa ho ngola. Litlhahiso le litlhahiso tse ling li boletsoe videong bakeng sa hau, ke tšepa hore video e ka u thusa.

Thuto: Mokhoa oa ho fumana sepheo sa lense ea laser? CO2 Laser Machine Focal Length

# Ke lisebelisoa life tse ling tse ka khaolang laser?

Ntle le lehong, li-lasers tsa CO2 ke lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tse khonang ho sehalehong, lesela, letlalo, polasetiki,pampiri le khateboto,foam, ikutloa, metsoako, rabara, le tse ling tseo e seng tsa tšepe. Li fana ka likheo tse nepahetseng, tse hloekileng 'me li sebelisoa haholo liindastering tse fapaneng, ho kenyelletsa le limpho, mesebetsi ea matsoho, matšoao, liaparo, lintho tsa bongaka, merero ea indasteri le tse ling.

lisebelisoa tsa laser ho itšeha
lisebelisoa tsa laser ho itšeha

Pherekano efe kapa efe kapa Lipotso Bakeng sa Acrylic Laser Cutter, Re Botse Ka Nako Efe kapa Efe

Nako ea poso: Jan-10-2025

Re romelle molaetsa oa hau:

Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona