Mochini o nkehang oa Laser Welding o Etsa Hore Tlhahiso e be bonolo haholoanyane
The handheld fiber laser welder e entsoe ka likarolo tse hlano: khabinete, mohloli oa laser fiber, sistimi e chitja e pholisang metsi, sistimi ea taolo ea laser, le sethunya se ts'oereng letsoho. Mokhoa o bonolo empa o tsitsitse oa mochini o etsa hore ho be bonolo hore mosebelisi a tsamaise mochini oa welding oa laser ho potoloha le ho cheselletsa tšepe ka bolokolohi. The portable laser welder e atisa ho sebelisoa ho tjheseletsa liboto tsa tšepe, ho cheselletsa tšepe e sa hloekang, k'habote ea tšepe ea sheet metal, le ho tjheseletsa mohaho o moholo oa sheet sheet. Mochini o tsoelang pele o ts'oaroang ka letsoho oa fiber laser welding o na le bokhoni ba ho tjheseletsa ho tebileng bakeng sa tšepe e 'ngoe e teteaneng,' me matla a laser ea modulator a ntlafatsa haholo boleng ba tjheseletsa bakeng sa tšepe e phahameng e bonahatsang joalo ka motsoako oa aluminium.